LYME DISEASE - THE NEW GREAT IMITATOR Diagnosis & Treatment of Tick-Borne Infections in Primary Care
This series of complementary webinars held over 3 evenings (via Zoom), focus on challenges faced by primary care clinicians in relation to the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease.
These learning events are open to health professionals and will be of particular relevance to GPs, practice nurses, pharmacists, paramedics and those working in minor injury units across all parts of the UK and Ireland.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of this series,
attendees will be able to:
Outline the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate treatment in the prevention of persistent symptoms
Confidently manage tick bites and treat early Lyme disease
Access and use up to date guidelines on the treatment of Lyme disease
Discuss the recognised scientific uncertainties and the need for further research in relation to both diagnosis and treatment.
Course Director:
Professor John (Jack) Lambert, Consultant in Infectious Diseases,
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital/University College Dublin, Ireland.
Lead Trustee of Lyme Resource Centre
As a courtesy to patients and clinicians alike, the Lyme Resource Centre are providing these presentations in order to better understand the complexity of tickborne/other co infections.
*(the views and opinions represented in the content of these videos is not necessarily indicative of endorsement).
Wednesday 8th September 2021
Webinar 1 - What primary care clinicians need to know about Lyme disease?
Diagnosing and managing Lyme disease in Primary Care settings.
Dr Anne Cruikshank, GP Oxfordshire, RCGP Clinical Champion for Lyme disease (2018-2019)
Lessons from a GP’s personal experience of tick bites and Lyme disease.
Dr Rachael Llewelyn, GP Somerset, Member of RCGP Lyme Disease Spotlight Project.
Interactive Q&A session with all speakers.
Prof John (Jack) Lambert, Dr Anne Cruikshank, Dr Rachael Llewelyn, Dr Zahra Husain
Wednesday 22nd September 2021
Webinar 2 - The challenges in diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease
Lyme disease: the challenge of diagnosis and treatment
Dr Zahra Husain, GP London, co-author of RCGP Lyme disease Toolkit and member of RCGP Lyme Disease Spotlight Project.
Diagnosis and management of late disseminated Lyme disease - complications, complexities and considerations
Professor John (Jack) Lambert Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital/ University College Dublin, Ireland. Lead Trustee of Lyme Resource Centre.
Interactive Q&A session with all speakers.
Prof John (Jack) Lambert, Dr Anne Cruikshank, Dr Rachael Llewelyn, Dr Zahra Husain
Wednesday 29th September 2021
Webinar 3 - Lyme disease – When your patient doesn’t get better.
Persistent infections with Lyme and other tick-borne diseases - reviewing the evidence for further treatment
Professor John (Jack) Lambert Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital/ University College Dublin, Ireland. Lead Trustee of Lyme Resource Centre.
The role of integrative medicine in the management of persistent Lyme disease symptoms
Monica Wilde, MSc, ILADS. Research herbalist, Napiers the Herbalists.
Interactive Q&A session with all speakers.
Prof John (Jack) Lambert, Monica Wilde, Dr Anne Cruikshank, Dr Rachael Llewelyn, Dr Zahra Husain