Corporate and Workplace Fundraising
Supporting Lyme Resource Centre as an organisation is a great way to:
Have a lasting impact – your support will help to make the great outdoors safer by reducing the risk of Lyme Disease for many people.
Boost morale and staff wellbeing – getting involved in supporting a charity is a great way to bring your team together and help to boost their wellbeing by doing something for others.
Engage the local community – working with Lyme Resource Centre is a great way to put your brand in front of the local community.
Enhance your corporate social responsibility – many customers want to know that your business positively impact the world around them.
Demonstrate your social value - if you are applying for contracts that require you to demonstrate your social value, supporting the Lyme Resource Centre will be a benefit.
There are many ways for your company to support Lyme Resource Centre. Here are a few:
Staff fundraising – whether it’s a raffle, entering a team into the Kiltwalk or perhaps a quiz night, your staff can have great fun working together to raise money for Lyme Resource Centre. You can download your FREE fundraising pack here
Sponsorship – could you sponsor one of our projects or activities?
Charity of the year – we would love to work with you as a charity of the year partner.
Donations and matched funding – donations and matching your staff fundraising is a fantastic and easy way to support Lyme Resource Centre.
Payroll Giving – encourage staff to donate through payroll giving as a tax efficient way to donate.
If you would like to have a chat about the ways your company could support Lyme Resource Centre then please get in touch with us at treasurer@lymeresourcecentre.com
Thank You's

Thank you to the Johnston Smillie Charitable Trust (JSCT) who donated £2,500 towards our outdoor signage project - informing the public about ticks and how to enjoy the outdoors safely.
This donation will provide another 500 signs to be placed in outdoor spaces, complete with a QR code for further information. You can read more about our outdoor signage here (https://www.lymeresourcecentre.com/outdoor-initiatives)
LRC are indebted to Rachel Le Derf & Amati Global Investors Ltd for organising a Ceilidh evening which raised a staggering £9330 for LRC. Thank you to all who supported this wonderful fundraiser.